Teeth care in winters

Teeth care in winters is very essential as many people complain of teeth sensitivity and tooth pain mostly during winters.Teeth pain/ toothache can be highly unbearable during winters. Simple tips and changes in lifestyle can help you prevent teeth pain and tooth decay especially during winters. Moreover the whole world is still facing different variants of CORONA and now there is outbreak of Omicron COVID-19 variant also. So it is very essential for all of us to be careful with oral hygiene also this winter.

Tips for Teeth Care in Winters

  • Tooth brushing and flossingTooth brushing and flossing on regular basis in all seasons whether summers or winters is very important for healthy teeth, gums and fresh mouth. Night brushing should not be left during winter nights. Don’t be lazy and brush your teeth at night also.

    It is advisable to use fluoride rich toothpastes for sensitive and abraded teeth.

    Tooth sensitivity increases during winters so use medicated toothpastes under the supervision of Dental surgeon. Moreover use lukewarm water for tooth-brushing during chilly days.

  • Mouthrinsing and MouthwashAfter every meal rinse your mouth properly with warm water. Moreover you can use mouthwashes with povidine iodine and cetylpyridinium chloride. These mouthwashes reduce the microbial load from mouth thereby reducing the chances of catching other diseases like common cough and cold. In many studies these mouthwashes have proven in reducing viral load of CORONA virus also.


  • Limit sugar intakeIt is very important to limit sugar intake as this may interfere with the remineralization action of teeth with medicated toothpaste. Acids produced from breakdown of sugars leech out minerals from teeth making them sensitive and more susceptible for decay.
  • Clean ToothbrushAlways keep your toothbrush clean and replace it after few months. In winters steam tends to adhere on toothbrush. So always make it a point to wash your toothbrush with warm water before and after tooth brushing.
  • Wear Scarf/ cover faceDon’t hesitate to wear caps and scarfs in winters especially during chill waves. This will keep your jaw and neck warm and prevents jaw pains and neck sprains. Few people have complains of neuralgia (nerve pain of face) or Bells palsy that is triggered by direct cold air on face. Use of scarves and caps in winters prevents facial pains and palsy.
  • Stay hydrated with warm BeveragesStay well hydrated with adequate water, soups and juices preferably homemade for good general as well as dental health. Good hydration helps body to produce adequate saliva and help wash away smear layer formed by food and microbes.
  • Visit and Consult Your DentistVisit your dentist twice in a year even if you don’t have any tooth problem. Moreover in case of any tooth sensitivity or tooth pain or any other symptom consult your dentist inspite of taking over the counter medication.

Stay happy, healthy and fit. Use well fitted masks, Avoid crowds Get vaccinated. Happy and Safe Winters

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