Deal with tooth pain in kids

Tooth pain is annoying not only for adults but also for kids. Additionally it is difficult to deal with tooth pain in kids. Tooth pain can be caused due to many reasons. For children it is very difficult to make out the cause for tooth pain. Pain is a common dental emergency for kids. Moreover younger kids can’t specifically point out tooth pain exactly. Their only expression is crying. Some kids even resist to show and examine also. Parents and Dental surgeons have to deal with tooth pain in kids very tactfully and effectively. Any initial painful stimulus may cause raised resistance in treatment.

Simple tips to deal with tooth pain in children

  • Be Patient

    If your kid complains of or cries out of tooth pain don’t panic. Calm down your kid and try to see the paining tooth. Don’t scold them for excessive intake of junk food, chocolates and candies. Patiently listen to them. Many of the parents start blaming them their kid’s intake of junk and scare them with painful visits to Dental Surgeon.

  • Warm water rinses

Mouth rinsing with warm water with half teaspoon salt can help relieve the tooth pain. Make your kid to rinse with warm water multiple times gently.

  • Cold pack

Cold pack against the cheek may also be helpful to relieve tooth pain but don’t apply cold pack continuously for long time. Apply the cold pack against the cheek for 1 minute then move away and then apply again repeat 5-6 cycles. Believe me cold packs in other pains and slight injuries in kids are very helpful. Firstly cold packs relieves pain secondly it also helps to calm down your kid.

  • Over the counter painkiller

In case of uncontrolled and excessive pain some over the counter painkiller and anti inflammatory can be given to the kid. But always check for allergies in kids before giving any medicine. Moreover now the technology has advanced so much that you can consult your Dental Surgeon online or telephonically or by video calling. The concerned Dental surgeon can prescribe some medication to control the pain initially.


  • Consult Dental Surgeon

    It is advisable to consult your Dental Surgeon periodically so that she/ he can initmate you the possibilty and development of tooth decay and tooth pain and your kid can resume proper treatment on time.

Kindly don’t scare your kids about Dental Surgeons and Injections…

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