Facts about RCT root canal treatment

RCT root canal treatment is a dental procedure to remove the infection from the innermost layer of the tooth called pulp and seal it with medicated materials to prevent further pain and infection. Let’s find out few myths and facts about Dental RCT root canal treatment.

Facts about RCT include:

  • Don’t judge by pain

Don’t judge the necessity of RCT with the amount of pain. Sometimes grossly decayed tooth without pain may require RCT to be done. Swelling in jaw or boils on gums that come and go even without pain are also important indication for RCT.


  • RCT is not always painful

Although RCT is a dental procedure for disinfecting the core of the tooth, it need not be always painful. If pain is there then it is managed with local anaesthetics and medications. There are sometimes in severe infections there may be episodes for pain in between different stages of RCT. This is manageable well with medicines.


  • RCT may / may not require multiple sittings

There are different stages of RCT that are done in multiple sittings. But in some cases Single sitting RCT can also be performed. The number sitting for RCT is decided well by the operator. In case of long term infection with even minimum pain some time should be given to heal.


  • RCT prevents tooth extraction

RCT done on time may prevent further infection and need for tooth extraction hereby maintaining the aesthetics and functionality also.


  • RCT followed by Dental crown/ cap gives it longevity

Restoring the RC treated tooth with dental crown/ cap gives structural strength to the tooth and prevents it from fractures.


  • RCT completed with good patient compliance has good success rate

Attending all the sittings of RCT on time increases the success rate of RCT. Moreover restoration with Dental crown/ cap also adds on to life of RC treated tooth.


  • RCT is not always expensive

RCT is not always expensive. It is better than getting a tooth extracted and then going for its replacement with other modalities like dental bridges or dental implants.


  • RCT  is not a permanent solution

Although RCT has high success rate but it is not a permanent solution for decayed tooth. Patient has to take good care of oral hygiene with proper tooth brushing and flossing and should go for regular check-ups. These practices help to increase the success rate of RCT and dental crowns also without affecting adjacent teeth.

Myths about RCT include:

  • RCT is very painful

RCT is not always very painful. This depends upon the condition of tooth. However pain is well managed with local anesthetic agents and medicines.

  • RCT is expensive procedure

RCT is not an expensive dental procedure. However it is better to save tooth with RCT rather than getting it extracted and replacing with dental implant or dental bridge.

  • Success rate of RCT is not good

This is not true. With the advancement of technology and instruments success rate of RCT has become high.

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