How to stop thumb sucking

Thumb sucking and finger sucking are the most common habits seen in children. If not controlled in time this habit may become a complex problem. Therefore many parents are concerned how to stop thumb sucking in children. This is one of the basic aspects of dental care in children.

Cause for Thumb sucking

Basically sucking is baby’s inherent reflex. When children are not satisfied by nutritive sucking i.e. breastfeeding or bottle feeding they adopt non-nutritive sucking.

Non-nutritive sucking include thumb, digit, pacifier, toy or blanket sucking.

In many cases after age of 2 years habit of thumb sucking goes away gradually. But in few cases if not taken care this habit may persist till adulthood. Therefore it becomes necessary to stop thumb sucking in children as early as possible.

Types of Thumb sucking

Thumb sucking is of two types:

  • Passive Thumb sucking
  • Active Thumb sucking

Passive Thumb Sucking

In Passive thumb sucking child places the thumb in the mouth only without exerting any undue pressure. This type of thumb sucking does not cause any bony changes.

Active Thumb Sucking

In Active thumb sucking child exerts heavy pressure with thumb against teeth. Prolonged cases of active thumb sucking can affect eruption of permanent teeth and may also affect the shape of jaws.

Dental and Oral Problems with Thumb sucking

How to Control and Stop Thumb sucking in Children

  • Never force a child to discontinue the habit.
  • Most commonly a palatal crib is placed on palate to prevent thumb sucking and setting in a negative behavior. But palatal crib is given to children above 4-5 years.
  • Some other appliances like roller appliance or appliance with spikes can be fabricated to prevent child from thumb sucking.
  • Wearing a glove or placing a plastic splint on child’s thumb can be helpful but not very effective.
  • Other method include application of medicament with unpleasant taste. But again some grown up children tend to clean their thumb and again resume thumb sucking.

The effectiveness of these methods depend on child’s cooperation.

  • Most importantly don’t insult your child in front of others for this thumb sucking habit. Rather try to make them understand the bad effects of this habit.
  • Try to indulge child in outdoor or other activities other than television, mobile or computer watching.
  • Patience for parents is very important.
  • Never forget to reward your child for attempt to discontinue the habit.
  • Don’t scold your child repeatedly for thumb sucking just try to remove the thumb gently and playfully.

The combination of these techniques can help to control and stop thumb sucking in children.

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