Why RCt symptoms for RCT root canal treatment

There are various symptoms for RCT root canal treatment that you must not ignore. Why RCT? Need for RCT include:


  • Grossly decayed tooth
  • Tooth pain either on / off or continuous
  • Swelling in jaw
  • Boil formation on gums with or without pain
  • Discoloured tooth/ teeth either as a result of trauma or infection
  • Sensitivity to cold, hot, sweet food or drinks
  • Persistent pain and swelling on face


These are few points that you must consider for RCT . Many times tooth decay goes unnoticed. There is grossly decayed tooth with on/ off swelling without pain. In such cases don’t judge the requirement of RCT on pain perception. Regular dental check-ups are very necessary even if you don’t have any pain. Dentists are the best to decide the need for any dental treatment according to individual patient’s requirement.


Upper front teeth are more prone to trauma during fall or injury especially in kids.  In such case the injured tooth sometimes show discoloration after few days or months of injury. This discoloration is a main symptom for RCT root canal treatment. Discoloration may or may not be accompanied by pain. Sometimes in such discoloured teeth there is no pain but a boil is frequently formed on the gums. The boil on gums shows persistent infection under the root of injured tooth that requires RCT.

Therefore it is advisable to have regular dental check-ups to check out any of the symptoms for root canal treatment. Timely intervention not only saves time and money but can give better and long lasting treatment outcomes.

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