Teeth sensitivity causes and treatment

Teeth sensitivity Causes and Treatment

Teeth sensitivity is a discomfort or irritation in teeth in response to hot, cold, sweet or sour food items or beverages. Teeth sensitivity can affect either single tooth or many teeth. Moreover  it can be acute or chronic. There are many reasons for teeth sensitivity.

Teeth sensitivity can be easily managed either simply by changing oral hygiene regimen or may need intervention by dentist.

This article will help you know and understand teeth sensitivity causes and treatment modalities available.


Causes for Teeth Sensitivity


  • Faulty Tooth Brushing Technique

Faulty Tooth brushing technique is one of the most common causes for teeth sensitivity. Use of excessive pressure while tooth brushing leads to abrasion of protective enamel layer of teeth. This results in severe teeth sensitivity.


  • Improper Tooth brush

Same toothbrush design does not always go well with every individual. Correct bristle size and texture is very important for maintaining good oral hygiene. Hard bristles damage enamel layer and make teeth more prone to sensitivity.


  • Gums Disease

Gums disease due to poor oral hygiene, any chronic medication or any other reason also leads to teeth sensitivity.


  • Teeth grinding

Many individuals have habit of grinding their teeth especially during night while sleeping. This habit not only results in teeth sensitivity but also results in chronic jaw pain (TMD) and stress.


  • Acidic Diet

Regular intake of acidic food and beverages leads to enamel erosion resulting in teeth sensitivity. This cause for teeth sensitivity is sometimes difficult to rule out if individuals have otherwise healthy teeth.


  • Gastric issues

A chronic gastric issue like GERD (acid reflux) is now a days common due to lifestyle changes and food habits. This is also one of the major causes for teeth sensitivity. If individuals have good oral hygiene and no other dental issues then acid reflux issues must be considered to manage teeth sensitivity.


  • Tooth Decay

Tooth decay due to dental caries is also most common cause for teeth sensitivity.


  • Dental bleaching, Fillings, Caps

Temporary teeth sensitivity may be caused by few procedures like dental bleaching, fillings or dental caps/ crowns.


  • Fractured or Cracked tooth

Tooth fracture due to trauma or tooth cracks due to tobacco chewing habit may also lead to teeth sensitivity.


Treatment of Teeth Sensitivity

First of all ruling out the exact cause for teeth sensitivity is very important for proper treatment and management of Teeth sensitivity.



Never hesitate to visit your dentist for any dental issues.

For initial teeth sensitivity issues you can maintain good oral hygiene and use few toothpaste for relieving teeth sensitivity.

Always remember over the counter toothpastes or mouthwashes are for temporary relieve. Always use medicated toothpastes under the guidance of your dentist. He/ she is the best judge for suitable toothpaste for you and will tell correct method and duration of its use




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