what is oil pulling and its benefits

What is oil pulling and its benefits

What is Oil Pulling?

Many of you have heard about one effective oral and general health practice called Oil pulling. What is oil pulling? Let’s know what is oil pulling and its benefits.

Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurveda recommended morning practice of swishing oil in mouth to keep mouth free from microbes, preventing tooth decay and maintaining fresh breath. In Ayurveda the process of oil pulling is called Gandusha kriya meaning “freshening the breathe”.

As we all know that our mouth is entry point for many good and bad things. Bad things here mean many disease causing microbes and toxins gain entry to our body through mouth. To some extent our immune system and saliva in mouth helps to prevent entry of these disease causing microbes and toxins. But it is very important to practice oral hygiene methods like oil pulling, tooth brushing and mouth rinsing to keep your breathe fresh as well as healthy body.

Make it a point that oil pulling is not a replacement to tooth brushing and mouth rinsing.

How to do oil pulling?

Oil pulling is done by swishing edible oil like coconut oil, olive oil around the mouth for around 10 to 15 minutes. Spit the oil in the basin. Rest for 5 minutes. Then rinse with lukewarm water.

Benefits of oil pulling

  • Prevents tartar deposit on teeth
  • Avoids tooth decay and dental caries
  • Keeps gums health
  • Freshens breath
  • Prevents entry of toxic bacteria and their toxins hence promotes detoxification
  • Natural way to get rid of yellow teeth
  • Promotes general body health

Best oil for oil pulling

Although any essential oil that has anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory action, is good for oil pulling but coconut oil is considered best for Oil pulling.

High lauric acid content in coconut oil makes it a good anti-microbial agent. Therefore it is considered best for oil pulling. Moreover coconut oil has anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties also.

However other oils like Olive oil, Sesame oil can also be used for oil pulling.



Regular oil pulling not only promotes oral health but also prevents entry of toxic microbes in the body. But please note that oil pulling is not a replacement to tooth brushing and mouth rinsing.

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