What root canal treatment is?

What is RCT root canal treatment

Many people with dental problems visiting to dentists have heard about RCT. But it is very important to know actually what is RCT root canal treatment.

RCT root canal treatment is a dental procedure to treat grossly decayed, painful or discolored teeth without removing teeth. In this process, basically the infected and dead tissue is removed from the pulp space and this space is sealed with special medicated materials.

Our tooth has three layers:

  • Enamel- outermost and hardest layer
  • Dentine- under enamel, but softer than enamel
  • Pulp- innermost layer containing living tissue that is blood capillaries and nerves


Slight infection to enamel and dentin does not cause pain. Slight sensitivity to enamel and dentin is well managed with restorations commonly known as fillings. But if infection persists for long time and penetrates pulp, the innermost layer then it is treated by root canal treatment.

While doing RCT, effected tooth is made dead by removing infected and living/dead tissue from the pulp space. Later on root canal treated tooth is restored with crown (Dental cap) to prevent tooth fracture and provide good structural stability.

RCT  is a conservative technique to treat painful and infected tooth without removing/ extracting it. As the technology is advancing root canal treatment has become very comfortable, affordable and long lasting. RCT is a dental procedure that can be sometimes done in single sitting but mostly needs 4-5 sittings depending upon the infection. Your respective dentist is the best to decide upon the duration of RCT. Always go for complete RCT. Do not stop the treatment in between as this may cause re infection and another episode of pain.

Also read why RCT root canal treatment ? Symptoms for RCT,  How long RCT tooth lasts? What is re RCT? Success rate of re RCT, medicines required during RCT, Is RCT painful?

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