How to get rid of yellow teeth

How to get rid of Yellow Teeth

How to get rid of yellow teeth is the most common question asked by people. There are few simple steps that can help you to get rid of yellow teeth.

It is very important to rule out the main cause for yellow teeth before checking out how to get rid of yellow teeth.

AS our skin colour, hair colour and eye colour is defined according to a particular genetic trait similarly colour of individual’s teeth is also defined as genetic and racial trait. Tooth colour may vary from yellowish white to grayish white. Therefore maintaining healthy teeth according to your skin and colour tone is more important rather than running for milky white teeth.

There are few methods that include professional as well as home remedies to get rid of yellow teeth.

Let’s check out how to get rid of Yellow teeth.

  • Daily tooth brushing

Daily tooth brushing, preferably twice daily is the first and foremost tool to get rid of yellow teeth and maintaining good oral health. Moreover dental flossing also helps to maintain better hygiene of mouth.

  • Regular and adequate intake of water

Staying well hydrating also helps to keep teeth clean and prevents deposition of debris on teeth. Moreover adequate water intake maintains the ph of saliva and prevents nesting of microbes on teeth and gums.

  • Mouth rinsing after each and every meal

Mouth rinsing is one of the most important oral hygiene that must be taught from childhood along with correct method of tooth brushing. Mouth rinsing after each and every meal keeps mouth clean. Moreover this also reduces the chances of teeth staining due to food colours.

  • Eating fibre rich diet

Fibre rich diet is very important for keeping teeth clean, white and healthy. So include food rich in dietary fibre to your daily meals

Regular dental checks are very important to prevent any development of dental problems. Dentist can only tell you the need for proper method for whitening teeth. Before going for any treatment take advise about requirements and procedure. Feel free to ask treatment cons and pros also.

  • Professional teeth cleaning and polishing as required and advised by dentist

In cases you are not well aware of proper oral hygiene maintenance techniques and have yellow deposits and stains on teeth you can go for professional teeth cleaning and polishing. But again this one time procedure alone is not enough to completely get rid of yellow teeth. You will have to maintain your oral hygiene as instructed by your dentist and schedule for follow ups.

  • Use of charcoal toothpaste or other abrasive toothpaste under the guidance of dentist for specific time

If teeth have mild yellow stains then you can use charcoal toothpastes or other abrasive toothpaste but for specific time. Long term use of abrasive toothpaste may cause enamel loss and lead to tooth sensitivity.

  • Teeth bleaching

Professional and home teeth bleaching technique is also a common method to get rid of yellow teeth.

  • Oil pulling

Oil pulling done with coconut oil is a very good method of maintaining good oral health. This technique not only keeps the mouth clean but also prevents development of severe gums diseases. Moreover oil pulling done in correct way also prevents entry of multiple bacteria and microbes in the body by killing them in oral cavity itself.

  • Use of Baking soda and hydrogen peroxide

Paste of hydrogen peroxide and baking soda is used as a home remedy to get rid of yellow teeth. But again excessive use of this may have adverse effects like teeth sensitivity, gum soreness.

  • Quit habits of smoking and tobacco chewing

If you are a smoker or tobacco chewer firstly get rid of this habit then only take up any method to get rid of yellow teeth.


Disclaimer: Before going for any treatment modality it is advisable to take advice from concerned dentist and read about their cons and pros.

Always check out the cause of the problem first then go for the remedy.

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