turmeric for healthy mouth

Turmeric is a magic spice from our kitchen that is now proven to be full of multiple health benefits including healthy mouth.

Health benefits of Turmeric are because of Curcumin found in Turmeric. This magic spice turmeric is now proven in many studies and experiments with lots of health benefits.

Benefits Of Turmeric For Healthy Mouth

  • Anti InflammatoryUse of Turmeric reduces inflammation by lowering histamine levels. Therefore helpful in treatment of gums disease (Gingivitis and periodontitis) and tooth pain.


  • Anti Microbial and AntisepticTurmeric extract mouthwashes and local applicants are helpful for microbial control in mouth. Although anti microbial and antiseptic property of turmeric for systemic diseases is well known.


  • AntioxidantStrong antioxidant property of Curcumin protects against free radical damage. Turmeric extract and turmeric oil has cancer preventive activity. Hence Magic spice Turmeric is effective in treatment of precancerous conditions like oral submucous fibrosis, leukoplakia, and lichen planus. Moreover Curcumin in Turmeric has anticancer activities. Turmeric potentiates the effect of chemotherapy and acts as an enhancer of radiotherapy.


  • HepatoprotectiveTurmeric protects liver from number of toxins. In addition to this Turmeric extracts increase biliary excretion of bile salts, cholesterol, and bilirubin as well as by increasing bile solubility.
  • AntimutagenicCurcumin in turmeric prevents new cancers and metastasis (uncontrolled spread) of melanoma (skin cancer) cells. Turmeric extracts and mouthwashes are useful in deactivating the carcinogens in cigarette smoke and chewing tobacco.


Therefore include this magic spice Turmeric in your daily diet in controlled manner to have healthy and happy mouth and body.

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