Gums Disease

Gums Disease – Most Common and Most Ignored

Gums disease is the most common problem of mouth that is most commonly ignored. We have a tendency to take on a call to a doctor only in case of any pain or discomfort. Therefore most problems and diseases of mouth goes unnoticed and the moment we notice them it’s been too late. Gums diseases commonly ignored by us.

Most commonly gum disease is noticed in the form of a bit of blood in your sink while toothbrushing. This is one of the warning signs of Gums disease. The mild variety of gum disease is known as Gingivitis. If it is not treated, the infection moves down the gums line and bone causing Periodontitis. Gums diseases mostly ignored leads to futher advanced gum diseases.

Signs and Symptoms of Gum diseases

Diseases of gums have specific signs and symptoms like:

  • Swelling
  • Bleeding from gums
  • Soreness
  • Bad breath/ smell from mouth

Negligence of these signs and symptoms may lead to advanced stages of gum disease. This advanced stage is known as Periodontitis/ Pyorrhoea.

Periodontitis/ Pyorrhoea is characterised by receding gums and loosened tooth due to bone loss.

You can easily find and control early signs of gum diseases before it gets worsened. You just have to know what to look for. Detailed examination and treatment must be done by respective practitioner.

  • Redness, Swollen gums

Swollen gums and redness are the first signs of gum disease. At this stage gums may/ may not be painful and bleed easily while toothbrushing.

  • Bad Breath

Bad Smell from mouth. Mouth is a nice breeding and nesting area for millions of bacteria. Bacteria feed on plaque (the smear layer on teeth) and release acids that cause bad breath and tooth decay. Bad breath can also be a symptom of serious gum disease.

  • Receding Gums

If your teeth look longer than they used to, this is the indication of shrinking/ receding gums caused by advanced gums disease. At this stage bone around teeth also starts breaking and gums start separating from tooth.

  • Sensitivity

Although tooth sensitivity has many more other causes but receding gums is one of the most common reason for sensitivity.

  • Tooth Mobility

Gums disease at advanced stages can attack the bone around the teeth making them loosen or mobile

Prevention and Treatment of Gums Diseases

Although initial stages of gums diseases can be easily prevented by maintaining good oral hygiene, but any treatment must be taken under advise from Dental practitioner. Proper check up will only decide the type of treatment required. However  in adults and children also gum diseases commonly ignored.


Never ignore early signs like bleeding and swollen gums.

Different types of treatments are available depending upon the degree of severity of disease. In early stages planned cleaning of mouth (oral prophylaxis) with mouthwash regimen shows very good results. However in advance cases sometimes surgical interventions are required. Do not ignore gums disease.

Summing up the whole matter, it is better to take notice of early signs of gum diseases and seek advise from dentist to prevent further complications.

Therefore it is well said “Prevention is better than cure” and “A sew in time saves nine”

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